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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cuddle me right!

 There are a few things in life that we all can agree on or we all desire.  One of them being love. With Love one thing we all long for,  and it's cuddles. Whether you have someone to cuddle or snuggle with,  or your like me and the body pillow has replaced the warmth of another. And there are those that have went out and bought the boyfriend pillow like Kurt from Glee. (If you don't know what a boyfriend pillow is look below)  Whatever your method of cuddling is, I believe that it's something we all want,  and desire. A special connection with someone that does not necessarily lead to sex, I do enjoy cuddles with my bestie. There are many cuddling positions, (of course I found lots of pics to show you)  some made for lovers and others for friends. Tell me what is your favorite cuddling position! And as always rate, comment,  share,  like,  and enjoy!! Xoxo

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