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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Edward B

by Steve Green

Stunning Edward is a young Australian model from CSAModels


Edward is from Christchurch, New Zealand but currently lives in Perth, Western Australia.

We are thrilled to welcome him at Stunning Men with a selection of great photos from Steve Green.

Vital statistics
Height: 6’0”
Weight:  178lbs
Chest: 42”
Waist: 33”
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown

All photographic copyrights to Steve Green @ Glamshot Photography

 Also check csamodels on facebook and discover many more stunning models.

Watch sexy Edward's video at CSAMODELS

Here's Edward's interview in full

Edward, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do the interview.
Could we start off with talking a little about yourself and your background? You live in Perth, Western Australia but are from Christchurch, New Zealand …
After finishing my cycling career and finishing my diploma I set off on a three year trip around the world.

How did you get into modelling? Is it something you always wanted to do?
It fell into my lap. I do not really fit into the modelling scene but got asked to do a shoot for a photographer friend. From there it has been going good and I have enjoyed everything I have done and the people I have met.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
Meeting the great people.

How was your first shoot with Steve Green from Glamshot?
I really liked it. Some of my best photos have come out of that shoot.

How do you prepare before a photoshoot?
Research the photographer and client to see how I can best work with them.

What’s the best advice you were given about modelling, if any?
… have not been given any.

Do you consider yourself a fashionista? And what do you like wearing when you are not working as a model?
No. I do not do a lot of shopping, I wear a lot of my mates clothes or clothes from the second hand shop.

You have a stunning physique, especially at such young age. How do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you do any sport?
I am physically lucky and eat well. I used to do a lot of running and cycling. Now I just play a lot of team sports.

What are your top three favourite exercises at the gym?
Pull down crunch
Dead hand leg lift

What’s the best form of cardio for you?
I have to write Sex. It really is …

How do you keep motivated?
Naturally motivated, but at times I am busy in other aspects of my life so my lifestyle is compromised.

How do you approach a challenge?
With confidence.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
… no

Now a few quick fun questions if you are game? Do you think you are a good date?

What do you do in your free time?
Very entrepreneurial …
Rock climbing, beach, hanging with friends.

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Freeballer, I do not wear underwear.

What do you listen to on your iPod?

Your favourite song/piece of music to play while running?
Gangman Style.

What kind of movies do you like?

What three words describe you best?
Dedicated, active, generous.

One last question Edward, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
No plans ... will just be living the dream.

Edward, thank you for your time and for being such good sport. Best of luck for the future!

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