Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone had an amazing time, and had a chance to see fireworks, in person or on TV. I was fortunate enough to spend the day with my brother and my good friend Vikrant. I couldn't have made the day any better, well only if I could make it cooler and less humid. Was a blazing 96°F/36°C with oppressive humidity. You start sweating as soon as the heat touched you. I think I lost few pounds just from walking around and catching all the sites; monuments and people. I do love people watching, can be quite amusing! Lol The fireworks were quite beautiful.. had a perfect spot, all three of us sitting in the middle of the road. Watching the breathtaking event. Don't worry the road was closed. It only lasted roughly like 20 minutes maybe a little bit longer. But none the less it was very nice.
I wanted to say first thanks for checking out my blog, its still a learning process but I so enjoy it. I also wanted to give you a little update about what's going on with the blog in the coming months. As pride is coming to a close here in the States I wanted to start a series called Being brown and gay, in the world. I wanted to share stories, articles, and what not about the topic. I do have some features coming up of friends to share their experiences. I do feel that everyone has a story to share. Especially about coming out, and living day to day life. And don't worry I will still be posting pictures almost everyday. If you want to be apart of the experience or share your story let me know. You don't have to be brown or desi to share your story. You maybe surprised how similar we all are. Email me or leave a comment and let me know if you want to contribute, or your views on south Asian and gays. I am working on putting a submit button on here also. Shouldn't be that hard, I hope.. thanks for reading and checking out the blog. Love you all!!
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