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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Carlos Tejero

by Laercio Luz
  Remember to click on the photographers' names to see more of their work!

Stunning Carlos Tejero is a young model from Madrid, Spain who now lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

with Gary Szuba

for Andrew Christian

with Gary Szuba

Scotty Greg

Personal club shot

This 24 year gorgeous guy is a swimmer and this is where he gets most of his cardio from.

Stunning striking looks and a great physique make Carlos a favourite at Stunning Men already and his sexy photos shows why.

Many thanks to Carlos for accepting our invitation to be featured and for doing the interview.

GL Photography

Errebene (Madrid)

Vital statistics
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 169lbs
Waist: 30”
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: brown

Carlos' full interview 

Carlos, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do the interview.
Could we start off with talking a little about yourself and your background? You live in Chicago, Illinois, but you are from Madrid, Spain, right? How did you end up in Chicago?
Yes, I am from Madrid. I am a swimmer and when I was 18 I looked for opportunities to study abroad. I got an athletic scholarship in Saint Louis, and in my Sophomore year, I got an even better scholarship in Chicago.

You are fairly new to modelling; is it something you always wanted to do?
It was always a dream to me to model in New York. It was a great experience

What do you enjoy the most about it?
I love Art and I see Photography like a beautiful expression of Art. I do not like simple pictures. I like pictures that can evoke emotions, feelings. I enjoy being a different character in every photograph.

How do you prepare before a photoshoot?
I actually don’t do any specific preparation. I just try to be rested, and in a good mood and physical shape.

What’s the best advice you were given as a model?
The best advice I got came from my mother, and I still remember her words. “Do not dedicate your life to modelling. Do it for fun now that you are young, but get your education and prepare for life professionally.”

You have a great physique. How do you keep in shape and healthy? You mentioned being a swimmer.
Yes, I have been a swimmer most of my life. I got done with the season last March. Now, I keep myself in shape by swimming and working out at the gym, and having an appropriate protein diet.

What are your top three favourite exercises at the gym?
Biceps, triceps and shoulders

What’s the best form of cardio for you?

I should have known!
I always swim 30 minutes before I head to the gym.

What’s your gym/training routine like?
I work out 4 times per week, swimming 30 minutes before lifting. Every day I do a different part of my body.

How do you keep motivated?
I motivate myself by watching results on my own body, feeling healthier and in better shape. Moreover, working out puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

How do you fit training and fitness into your life? Is it a difficult thing to achieve?
It’s never been difficult, because swimming has been my life. When I was 15, I got a scholarship to go to a high school of professional athletes in Madrid, and then I went to College here where it is also easier to study and swim at the same time. It has always been hard in finals week for example, when I do not practice at all.

How do you approach a challenge?
With a lot of positive energy and confidence.

What do you eat in a normal day?
I follow a high protein diet. I usually have a big breakfast, including eggs, bread, turkey, fruit and milk, to boost my system for the rest of the day. For lunch, I usually eat carbs mixed with protein food (tuna, turkey, ham, etc), and a salad; and at night, I usually have chicken, pork, steak or tilapia with a lot of veggies.

Do you have a cheat day? If so, what’s your guilty pleasure?
Yes, I have cheat moments. I don’t believe in extreme restrictive diets, I love eating; Excesses are bad, controlling the amount of things that you like but aren’t healthy is ok. I give myself the pleasure to eat what I want and it is very often. I am lucky I love healthy food, but my guilty pleasure is Doritos.

What do you do in your down time?
I give myself a night only for myself, to relax and forget about the world. Cooking, watching a movie or my favourite TV show is what I usually do in those nights. I enjoy being alone.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
I do not have role models, but there are people who inspire me a lot because of the way they are and what they have achieved. My parents are my greater inspiration.

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
Yes. I am just not the average guy. At all!

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Brief. My waist is very small and I think I look better in briefs.

You definitely do look great! ... What do you listen to on your iPod?
Mostly Techno/ House and Pop music.

Your favourite song/piece of music to play while at the gym?
Lydia Sanz @ Matinee World 2012

What kind of movies do you like?
Movies that take me to different worlds, like fictional and fantasy films . I also like horror movies, like the last good one I saw, Insidious.

What three words describe you best?
Passionate. Crazy. Good person.

That’s four words ... but we’ll forgive you for that! ... One last question Carlos, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I actually have no idea. My life changes so much from one year to another that 10 years seems very far away from today.  I graduate next December with a major in Marketing and from then, I will see. It all depends on what life brings to me.

Carlos, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you so much for your time and for being such a good sport. All the best for the future!

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