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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Kyle James

We are thrilled to finally be able to present the awesome Kyle James and know that you will love him as much as we do at Stunning men!

 Stunning Kyle is an actor and fitness model from Lakeland, Florida, USA. He now resides in South Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Ana Rocha

Bill Miller

 A fun, down to earth guy who says he loves life, people, working out and the fact that he finally has the opportunity to pursue his passion and dreams in life.

His main passion being acting but Kyle has already worked with photographers such as Luis Rafael, Michael Anthony Downs and Manuscript Photography.

We are very grateful to Kyle for accepting to be featured at Stunning Men, as with his good looks, stunning physique and great personality he will fit so well with the many amazing models we have invited to the blog.

Vital statistics: 
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown

See Kyle's IMDb page!

Here is Kyle's interview in full

Kyle, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do the interview.
You are pursuing a career as an actor and you have done some ads and commercials. Would you like to tell us more about it?
I am a SAG/AFTRA member, and a full time actor. I’ve worked on a hand full of commercials and films, and am always striving for the next step in my acting career’s path of success. Eventually I will be moving to Los Angeles to continue the pursuit of my acting, but in the mean time I am staying busy with projects, films, commercials, and even some possible television shows in Florida. If you want to see more, check out my site. There you’ll find my bio, resume, many photos ... You get the point. 

How did you get into modelling? Is it something you always wanted to do?
Actually, my career focus has always been predominantly on acting, and my modelling has sort of been a happy plus on the side. The two fields are very close to one another, so I like to think that either way, they help each other along.

What do you enjoy the most about modelling?
I like letting the artistic side out, and mainly just being able to be myself ... Show my own unique personality through my images. The last thing I want to see is the same old carbon copy images of people, all trying to look like the last. I’d rather be the first, and if anything the only.

What advice would you give a new model?
The more comfortable you are, the better your images will be. That, and learn the ropes with preparing for a photo session; what to eat and what not to eat, etc. It all can make a difference in the end.

You have a stunning physique. How do you maintain it and keep healthy? Do you do any sport?
First, thank you very much. It takes a lot of hard work in the beginning, and seems like accomplishing your goals takes forever. I just stuck with it, until I was happy with the results. Now, it’s more about maintaining and being conscientious about what I eat, and maintaining some sort of work out regiment daily. I play many different sports, but nothing other than for my own pleasure and the exercise, of course. 

What are your top three favourite exercises and why?
I love crunches, push ups, and wide grip pull ups ... These were TRULY the staples in transforming my body to what it is today. I always change up “how” I do each exercise, but in principle, they are essentially the same. Any core work is always on the top of my list! 

What’s the best form of cardio for you?
Though I have bad knees, running and sprinting are the easiest cardio for me ... If I lived closer to a pool, it would definitely be swimming laps though!

How do you fit fitness into your life? Is it a difficult thing to achieve?
It finds a way to fit when you make it an important aspect of your lifestyle. Even doing a “little” something amidst a busy over-scheduled day, is better than nothing at all; 100 push ups and a quick 150 sit ups right before bed, or before you shower ... You just make it work!

How do you approach a challenge?
Prepare for it the best I can, then jump in head first... You either sink, or you swim, and so far I’m still thrashing through the water at full speed, so ...

What do you do in your down time? 
I spend time with my loved ones... We cook amazing food - a LOT! Work out together, play with my dog, and relax. Otherwise, I keep my eyes and ears open for my next opportunity. It may seem glamorous, but it really does take a lot of time, patience, and dedication to be successful in this career field, acting and modelling. You work as much as YOU want to work at the end of the day. 

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
Robert Downey Jr ... present tense Robert Downey Jr to be clear, could be called  a “role model” for me. My incredibly beautiful and incredibly brilliant girlfriend is definitely an inspiration for me, in so many ways and on so many levels.     

Now a few quick fun questions if you are game? Do you think you are a good date?
I am a GIANT dork! Now combine that with me being a diehard romantic, and that’s a date with me. If you like corny jokes, and nerdy guys, with a hint of manners and chivalry, then yes ... I’m a good date (Kyle laughs)

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Neither - Brazilian Box cut usually ... Otherwise, “boxer-Briefs”. 

What do you listen to on your iPod?
SO RANDOM!!! It’s ALL so Random!!! 

Your favourite song/piece of music to play while running?
“Harder, Faster, Stronger” remixed! (more laughs)

What kind of movies do you like?
Comedies, Adventure Flicks ... They’re fun!

What three words describe you best?
Tenacious, caring, focused.

One last question Kyle, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
Somebody’s gotta take Robert Downey Jr, Brad Pitt, and Tom Cruise’s throne ... 

Kyle, it was great to do this interview with you! Thank you for your time and for being a good sport. All the best for the future!

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