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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Isaiah Rojas

Isaiah Rojas is a stunning young American student 
and model from the East Coast.

Click on the photographers' name to check more of their work

It is with great pleasure that we are featuring him at Stunning Men. In a short time Isaiah has worked with some of the greatest photographers around.


Isaiah has many great assets, beautiful striking looks - those big brown eyes of his are just stunning – one the most magnificent muscular physiques we have seen and the right attitude to modelling.

All this translates into stunning sexy shots whomever he works with. The selection of photos in this profile simply but breathtakingly epitomises this.

Isaiah is represented by Six Model Management. Many thanks to them for their help with the feature and to Isaiah  
for answering our questions.

Vital statistics:
Height: 6’0”
Chest: 42”
Waist: 31”
Eyes colour: brown
Hair colour: black
Ethnicity: African American

Here is Isaiah's full interview

Welcome to Stunning Men Isaiah. Could we start off with talking a little about your background?
I grew up in a pretty small town with a big family. I have an older brother and a younger sister, but my aunt and her 4 kids live less than one block away. All of my family (about 30 in all, and still growing) live within 15 minutes of each other. So even though I only have two siblings, I have always been surrounded by my family. I think the combination of living in a really small town (we didn't get our first stoplight until I was 17) and having basically all of my family within walking distance has helped to make me part of who I am. I always put family first and check in often back home. I talk to my mom at least twice a day and I text my sister all the time. Being in a different city for school hasn't really changed that part about me. People often ask me if moving from a town of one stoplight to major city has been a difficult transition for me, but I honestly have not felt intimidated once. I've always been outgoing and independent from childhood and knew that as soon as I was able to that I would be in a big city.

How did you get started in modelling?
My start into modelling was kind of funny. I was a senior in high school when my little sister really wanted to go to a ProScout audition that happened to be in town. I went along for the ride because I had nothing else to do that day. The scout saw my sister and wasn't too interested, but told me that I had some potential and should look into it. I didn't really think anything of it, but once I got to college I started looking into a little more. I joined a modelling website and looked around for a couple of photographers. I got a few shots for a mini-book and then started looking at photographers in NYC. I still put school first, so I've been modelling for fun here and there, but as my graduation date gets closer and closer I'm starting to look into it more seriously. We'll see what happens!

How long have you been modelling?
I've been modelling here and there for about 2 years now and have had an opportunity to work with many cool photographers.

And what photographers you have worked with?
A few of the more notable shoots for me have been with Kevin D. Hoover, Justin Monroe, David Arnot, and Rick Day.

Some of the best photographers, I see …
Working with them was a great experience not only because of their great technical abilities, but each and every photographer took the time to make sure I was comfortable with the images we produced.

What advice would you give new models?
I would say that to really "make it" as a model it's important to step back and evaluate what you're looking to get out of the experience. If you want modelling to be your job, then you must be ready to commit wholeheartedly and be willing to put in the time and accept the spontaneity of it. I've accepted that I'm doing this for fun, but even with that mind-set something that has been necessary is networking. Putting yourself out there and making the contact is really important. There is all the generic advice that I could give, but I really think being self-confident is essential.

Yes, and I must say that it does come across in your photos. What do you do to ‘get in the zone’ for a shoot?
I have a playlist that I use at a shoot (when I can). Music really gets me going and can help set the mood for different styles and concepts. When music isn't possible, it never hurts to flirt with the photographer!

Right! We’ll keep this in mind for the future ... What do you enjoy the most in modelling?
Meeting new people. I have stayed in touch with just about every photographer that I have shot with and I really enjoy having had the experience. Also, being in front of the camera lets me "be" someone that I'm not usually. I don't see myself as the sexiest person ever, but when taking pictures I have an alter ego of sorts that I get to turn on. I get to push the envelope and try out different things whereas in everyday life I'm really laid-back and "fly under the radar".

You have an amazing physique. What is your training regime like? Do you practise any sports?
I've always been athletic. I joined my school's track & field team when I was in 7th grade and stayed with it through graduation. I think the foundation for my body came from running middle distance. It wasn't all sprints or long distance, so I have naturally had a muscular body, but it's never been on the same level as a bodybuilder or a marathoner. Also, I started practicing gymnastics and cheerleading in high school. With both of those sports having a super bulky and muscular body inhibits executing skills, so I've always aimed to have an aesthetically pleasing body, but functionality has always been number one for me. Nowadays I don't run track anymore and I don't practice gymnastics either. I'm usually in the gym three times a week, I sprint twice a week, and whenever my schedule allows me I head over to a local gymnastics gym and practice some tumbling and high bar (my favourite gymnastics event).

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
I don't really have any role models. I have people who have from time to time given me drive to do something, but it's not in the typical way that one would think of a role model or someone who inspires. For example, I look at my family who I love for sure, but I look at them and I'm "inspired" to do better. While I love the ease of being near everyone that I grew up with, I don't want to settle into a mediocre job and easy lifestyle. In that way, my mom's life has "inspired" me to excel in school and be adventurous so that I can have different and better opportunities available to me. I have always relied on myself and my own personal drive and sense of competition to get over many obstacles.

How do you like to spend your down time?
I've been told that I'm a Pop Culture junkie. My roommates say that I watch way too much TV to be a full-time student. I also follow a few blogs. Don't take that to mean that I'm not active! I'm in the gym several times a week, and if I'm not lifting weights I'm still doing something sports oriented. About twice a week I go to a local gym to practice gymnastics or I'll do an impromptu sprinting workout along the river.

What song is up next in your iPod?
Gym Class Heroes ft. Neon Hitch--Ass Back Home

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I haven't really settled on a career just yet. I'm still young and have time to explore options, but I know I want to do something client-services related. I speak Spanish, French, and Italian and I want a job where I can use those languages. The only thing "definitive" I have in mind is that I will be abroad, Paris, London or Madrid.

This sounds great! Isaiah, thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview with Stunning Men. All the best for the future.

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