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Monday, March 12, 2012

Adam Coussins

Stunning Adam Coussins is an English lad who has been doing fitness modelling for a few years now.

click the photographers' names to see more of their work

This amazing 24 year old has a stunning physique and already has an impressive portfolio; he has worked with many photographers such as Dylan Rosser, Gilles Crofta, Simon Barnes, Justin Tayler and Paul De Dona (soon to be featured at Stunning Men) to name but three!

 Paul De Dona

 It has been a long and pains taking process to select the photos for this post, as there are literally 100s of stunning shots to choose from, but someone had to do it!
Adam looks awesome in underwear and he has done many underwear shoots. He has modelled for brands such as Unico, Sloggi, HOM, Jockey, Bruno and Banani; so you would be forgiven for thinking Adam is just an underwear model; but it would be just too restrictive for this versatile sexy guy to give him this label.
Adam has that English lad attitude about him, which is very refreshing. He is definitely handsome and possesses a stunning physique, but he also has that bad boy/boy next door look, which is very endearing and exciting.
Adam has many magazines covers under his belt; with stunning shots by Dylan Rosser he graced several covers of QX and Beautiful magazines, as well as Du and ich.
Stunning Menare thrilled to be able to feature Adam and to have been able to interview him.

Joe Hunter

John Applevist

Lloyd Francis

Picture This Guy

Suntown Photography

Click to watch the Andrew Christian underwear shoot behind the scene video
Vital statistics:
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 169lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Green
Skin colour: Olive
Here is the interview in full

Stunning Men – Welcome to Stunning Men Adam and thank you for doing the interview. Could you tell us a little about yourself and your background?
Adam Coussins – Well I’m from the Midlands, England. I was born in 1987 and I have one brother.  I still live where I was born but travel a lot. I love life at the moment!

SM – Was modelling something you wanted to do growing up? How did this come about?
AC – No! (laughs) It was being a pro footballer that was my number one choice. I love the sport!  I basically got approached on facebook by an agent years back and it snowballed and went from there.
SM – So how do you prepare before a shoot?
AC – Some major gym time (laughs) and eat right.  But on the day obviously look clean and professional! (laughs)

SM – What do you enjoy the most about modelling?
AC – I see a lot of places and meet a lot of people I wouldn’t meet if I wasn’t modelling.  I know a lot more about the world now and I’m more familiar to more places.  I’d never been on the underground before modelling!  But I know it well now.

SM – What photographers have you worked with so far?
AC – I’ve worked with Gilles Crofta, Dylan Rosser, Hotsnapz,  Paul De Dona and picturethisguys to name a few. No disrespect to them but there are too many to list! (laughs)

SM – Do you have any projects in the pipeline?
AC – There are a few but I’m sure you’ll see some of them very soon online for sure.  Follow me on twitter @adamcoussins and I’ll let you know!

SM – You have an amazing physique. What kind of exercises do you do to keep in top shape? Do you practise any sports apart from football?
AC – I play so much football it’s untrue! (laughs) At moment I’m into my futsal.  A different version of football, check it out! I also so do a bit of boxing training and weight training and also I use my mountain bike a lot. Basically always on the go! (laughs)

SM – What is your best lift at the gym?
AC – Well I use dumbbells on my chest, my gym goes up to 40kg in weight so I lift them.  I’m not massively strong, with me it’s more endurance and explosive power I guess.

SM – What do you eat in a normal day?
AC – Cereals for breakie (smiles), chicken sandwich or some tuna pasta and oat bars.  Evening meal varies from fish, I love it, to pasta or chicken or steak. I like to mix it up   and of course I have protein shakes!  

SM – Do you allow yourself a cheat day?
AC – Well now and again but I do like nice food, it takes nice to me (laughs)! I eat a chocolate cake and I feel horrible for sometime after (laughs) but you can t live like a monk all year round.  Just eat as good as you can.

SM – How do you approach a challenge?
AC – I love a challenge! You need aims in life I think and I don’t want it all handed on a plate and I haven’t.  Every week I have aims and stuff to achieve. 

SM – Besides modelling, what gets your interest and what are your hobbies?
AC – Futsal futsal futsal! LOVE IT! I currently play for team Derby Futsal Club. I like tennis but it’s finding the time. I play the odd video games but I’m a busy guy so not a lot of time for many other things until I win the lotto! (laughs)

SM – What do you do to have fun and relax?
AC – Cinema, I love! Beach holidays.  I take a lot of baths, put some music on and chill.
SM – Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
AC – Eminem in music terms,  Thierry Henry was my favourite football player as I support Arsenal. But there are many stories that inspire me. People who have overcome great challenges, Ruben Carter, the boxer ... great story!

SM – Now a few fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
AC – Yes, very! I normally pay (laughs) and I’m a nice guy and decent laugh, I’m told.
SM – What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
AC – Well I can’t really talk about it till after the court case!  Ha ha kidding!  Well I haven’t sky dived or done a huge bungie jump.  I’ve snorkeled near some dangerous fish I guess and been on some good roller coasters. That’s all I can think of! (laughs)

SM – Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
AC – Boxers all day. (smiles)

SM – What do you listen to on your iPod?
AC – Hip hop and R and B. I love Lloyd, great singer. Eminem and Jay Z are my fave rappers;  their music is unreal!

SM – One last question Adam, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
AC – Hopefully retired or making a living without having to work (laughs).  So I can do more stuff I’d like to do in a general week.  Life’s short ... you want to spend as less time as work as possible in my opinion. More time with family.

SM – You have been a pleasure to interview Adam! Thank you for your time and all the best for the future!
AC – No worries! It’s an honour to do an interview for you. The pleasure is all mine. 

Make sure to check Adam's facebook fanpage and his profile at

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