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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Paul Talbot

Hunky Paul Talbot is a surgeon who has been doing fitness modelling for some time and has worked with some of the most amazing photographers.

Abel Cruz

Andrea Deloach

Bradford Rogue

Edwin J'Lebron

He is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but now lives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Jorge Freire

 Luis Rafael

As his stunning physique shows, Paul is very dedicated and works hard to achieve his goals. He is motivated by accomplishment in all he does.

Mark Henderson

 Peter Brown

Scott Hoover

Scott Marrs

Paul has worked with many photographers and has a diverse exciting portofolio.

Sebastian Barone

Troy Phillips

Rick Day

We are thrilled to present Paul to you at Stunning Men and grateful he agreed to be interviewed.

Here is the interview in full

Stunning Men – Hi Paul, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for agreeing to answer our questions.
Could we start with talking a little about your background and childhood?
Paul Talbot – I grew up just north of Philly at the base of the Pocono Mountains. I was the middle child with an older sister and a younger brother and parents that were married for over 50 years.  We had very little growing up, but had lots of love in the family.

SM – Was modelling something you always wanted to do?
PT – No not at all; and it still seems strange at times that people want to shoot me. 

SM – How did you become a model then?
PT – I started after being approached after my first bodybuilding contest when I was 42, and off it went from there.

SM – What do you enjoy the most in modelling? 
PT – I love seeing all the diverse ways the photographers can make me look.  Sometime I’ll see the shots and think that is not my personality at all but the photographer was able to bring out a different side of me with clothes or lighting.

SM – How do you prepare before a photoshoot?
PT – I always stay fairly lean but about 3 weeks before a shoot I start drinking more water and trying to stay away from salt.  The 2 days prior to the shoot I cut off the water, no water for 36 hours, then eat a salty high carb meal late the night before the shoot.  Sometimes I spray tan but my skin is fairly dark to start.

SM – Have you done nude shoots? If so, how do you find being naked in front of the camera?
PT – Yes I have, with Mark Henderson in Dallas. Mark had me feel very comfortable and it was a fun shoot.  Since then I have done none, since those picture have little value to me personally.

SM – Do you have any tips to get things more comfortable during a nude shoot? 
PT – First you have to have complete trust in the photographer, second lay out what you are willing to do, and not willing to do for the camera.  That way there is no question and the shoot will be more relaxed.

SM – Have you done any runway work?
PT – None, I’m too big! Most designers want a coat hanger to display their work. I would do underwear or sportswear, I have just never been picked, my age turns most folks off in the modelling business.

SM – What kind of exercises do you do to keep in top shape? Do you practise any sports?
PT – I lift free weights 5 days a week and do a 30 minute cardio session 3 to 4 times a week.

SM – What do you like wearing when you are not working as a model?
PT – I’m a jeans and T-shirt guy. I like to get dressed up for an event but those are rare.

SM – What do you think about the modelling industry?
PT – It’s tough. Lucky for me I have a good day job that pays the bills.  I have been told by agency owners that there is no market for someone like me due to age, and I think that is crazy but I haven’t been able to make them realise that us older guys don’t take ads seriously when the guys are 20; we can’t relate so we fly right on past them.

SM – Do you have any role models in the fashion world? People who inspired you to pursue a modelling career?
PT – Gregg Plittis the god of fitness modelling.

SM – Besides modelling, what gets your interest and what are your hobbies?
PT – I enjoy outdoor sports, skiing, hiking, and traveling, but I also like to lie on the beach and watch the sights walk past and drink a cold beer.

SM – What do you do to have fun and relax?
PT – Ride my bike, workout, hang out with friends, try new places and new experiences.

SM – What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
PT – Can’t say that here, but 99% of the time I am very stable and stay within the lines!

SM – Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
PT – Brief or none.  My butt is big enough, I don’t need to try and stuff boxers into my pants.

SM – Who are your favourite singers or musicians and what do like to listen to?
PT – I like top 40 stuff, fun relaxing music if I am just listening.  If out dancing more tribal or house music is good.

SM – We know that you have to watch what you eat; but do you have any guilty pleasures?
PT – I’m not a sweet tooth guy and I don’t drink or eat any milk products so that keeps me off the hook for a lot of things.  I do like to eat just plain crackers like wheat thins, or cheese nip and somehow the box always gets empty fast!

SM – If you weren’t modelling, what would you be doing?
PT – I would probably be in worst shape and just sitting around. Modelling keeps me motivated to stay on top of my game.

SM – Do you have any projects or photoshoots coming up?
PT – I have just done a shoot with Sebastian Barone and I am shooting with Kevin Hoover for a project he is working on.  Also being a guest host of a cooking show that highlights cooking health to grow your muscle and reduce fat; it should be fun!

SM – One last question Paul, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
PT – Hopefully everything will be the same, life is good.  The challenge is trying to maintain a youthful look over time.

SM – Thank you so much for taking part to our interview and for being such good sport. 
PT – Thank you for asking me to be part of Stunning Men, it’s a true honour for me to be out there with all the top young guys you have featured.
SM – All the best for the future Paul.
PT – Thanks again for the chance to be on the site. 

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