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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year!

Happy New Year! I wanted to wish you all a happy new year, and hope you all had a fabulous holiday season. The new year always gives you a fresh start, no matter what is going on in your life, the new year seems to let you breathe again. Last year I started my blog not really knowing how it would turn out, nor did I really know how to blog. (I read some books just to help me out, I'm guessing they helped). I want to first say thank you to all who followed me from WordPress to Blogger, it means a lot. And welcome and thank you to my new viewers and readers. I am still updating posts from WordPress so if u see a post with no pics it will be fixed, just taking a bit longer than expected. 

When I started blogging I didn't just want to make another gay oriented blog with just pictures, even though I do enjoy it I sought out to do something more. Something different that most blogs were not doing. I wanted to also inform, share the silent story of gays around the world. Living in America I think we tend to forget about all the other gays around the world, and soley focus on ourselves. Which is not bad but I wanted to explore more and thank you for going along for the ride.

This year I wanted to go further and explore more not just about the gay experience but also other things I find interesting and think you may like as well. Don't worry still have my daily hottie, it does help the day. I have also invited some guest writers and bloggers, to share their story and what they are passionate about, if you would like to contribute let me know send me an email, or a message on the Facebook page or on google+. There is a Google plus page but I can't seem to figure out how to link it together. In due time maybe I can figure it out. Like always thank you for reading and always comment or send me an email, love hearing from you all.

Love ya!! ❤

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