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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dean B

Steve Green

Stunning Dean is a 23 year old Australian model from Perth, Western Australia.

 He is represented by csamodels

Steve Green @ Glamshot Photography

This exciting young model has been in several shoots for Teamm8 and 2wink Australia.






 Dean has appeared on the cover of South African magazine Trend Frenzy and he will be heading over there this September for a campaign with Bone Wear and a shoot with Dylan Kruger.

 Steve Green for Teamm8 Campaign



Cliff Wong

 Stunning Men are thrilled to welcome him to the home of sexy fitness and fashion models and we are certain that he will fit right in here!

 Steve Green @ Glamshot Photography

 Many thanks to Dean for doing the interview with us and accepting our invitation to be featured.

Also check csamodels on facebook and discover many more stunning models.

Vital statistics:
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 185lbs
Chest: 40.5”
Waist: 33”
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: brown

Dean's full interview

Dean, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do the interview.

Thanks for having me, glad to be involved.

Could we start off with talking a little about yourself and your background? You live and are from Perth, Western Australia ...

I’m 23 yrs old and live in Perth but was born in Melbourne, moved over here when I was about 5yrs old. We lived in Melbourne because my Dad played AFL for Carlton football club and AFL is a big part of my family’s lives.

How did you get into modelling?
I actually was trying to get into topless waitering and my agent Chrys Aarons of CSA models spotted my pics and emailed me and said he liked my look, and since then I’ve been with CSA.

Is it something you always wanted to do?
No I don’t think it’s something I always wanted to do, I guess I never thought about it but as they say, it’s nice work if you can get it.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
I guess most of the time it’s a lot of fun, I usually get to work with really nice people and it’s kind of like a nice reward for working hard in the gym and taking care of you.

How was your first shoot like?
It was a really long day but a lot of fun.

How do you prepare before a photoshoot?
Make sure I’ve been eating well and keeping hydrated, make sure I’m well groomed and if it’s a shoot that requires a lot of body shots make sure I’ve been working extra hard in the gym.

Are you interested in doing runway work?
Yeh, I’ve done a couple of runways already, one for the Joondalup Festival and for Styleaid, both very different but both were really exciting, Styleaid was amazing.

Do you consider yourself a fashionista? And what do you like wearing when you are not working as a model?
Hmm, I wouldn’t say a fashionista but I do think my fashion sense is good, normally I’ll get around in a T-shirt, jeans and a nice pair of shoes. Doesn’t matter what brands or anything, for me it’s all about the cut and fit of clothes and how your outfit goes together.

You have a great physique. How do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you do any sport?
Thanks, I go to the gym at least three times a week, try to eat as healthy as possible and as much as possible because I lose weight quite easily and I drink a lot of water. I use the awesome Isagenix products as part of my supplements and if you would like to know how it can help you head to Yeh I play amateur AFL football for the Maddington Bulls.

What are your top three favourite exercises at the gym?
Dead lifts, Squats and either dips, skullcrushers or tricep pull downs for the tris.

What’s the best form of cardio for you?
A game of footy.

How do you keep motivated?
That’s a good question, sometimes I honestly don’t know. I love motivational pics and quotes but at the end of the day I’m a pretty realistic person and I just know if you want any sort of results you have to work for it, whether you’re in the mood or not.

How do you approach a challenge?
Head First.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
My parents.

Now a few quick fun questions if you are game? Do you think you are a good date?
Yes but I can’t give away all the secrets in an interview, where would all the mystery go. (Dean laughs) No, I hate the conventional restaurant thing, something unusual and fun that allows a lot of conversation is always good.

What do you do in your free time?
Play the piano, I’d really like to do something with it, it would be so cool to play in a restaurant or a bar, I’m not quite good enough just yet though.

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
Definitely briefs.

What do you listen to on your iPod?
Almost anything, Michael Buble, Coldplay, Tinie tempah, The Fray, Example.

Your favourite song/piece of music to play while running?
I don’t like to listen to music while running, I love being able to hear myself  think as I run, anything I’m worried about or that’s bothering me I’ll think about and it helps me work harder and I’ll usually feel like I have a solution to these things by the end of the run.

What kind of movies do you like?
I love going to the movies, I’ll watch any genre but my favourite would have to be action/adventure/thriller/espionage sort of movies.

What three words describe you best?
Energetic, Honest, Fun.

One last question Dean, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I have no idea ... so long as I’m having fun I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing.

Dean, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. Best of luck for the future!
Thank you, thanks for having me.

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