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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bruno May

StunningBruno May is a French model currently living in NYC.

Bruno got into modelling quite by chance and within a couple of months he has already a few photoshoots under his belt.

His gorgeous dark Gaelic looks combined with his lean tone physique and friendly attitude are the best ingredients for his success in modelling.

Dominique Samuel

Mauricio A. Rodrigue

Robert Lesbros

We came across Bruno through the great Thomas Synnamon’s photos and after contacting Bruno, he was up for an interview straight away. This very friendly guy has great potential and we hope to see more of him soon!

Edwin Pabon

Casual shot by friend

Vital statistics:
Height: 5'9"
Waist: 30"
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: black

Here is Bruno's interview in full

Bruno, a warm welcome to Stunning Men and many thanks for taking the time to do the interview.
Could we start off with talking a little about yourself and your background? You are French and are currently living in NYC ...
I’m French with a Spanish background. I’m from Marseille (south of France). I am studying Business and Management. I’m currently living in NY as an intern in PR for 5 months.

In what way do you think your life in NYC differs from where you are from?
Everything’s different. In NYC I have the feeling that everything can happen, every dream come true. I’m really bored in Marseille, I don’t like this city. In NYC I’m surprised every day, I enjoy every moment. The way of life is definitely crazy and I like it.

How did you get into modelling?
I met a guy at the gym in NYC who works in fashion. He became a good friend of mine and introduced me some photographers … this is how I got into it.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
This is a good question … I’m an artist, that’s why I like every kind of art. In photography I like creating an atmosphere with my body, with what I’m wearing, with the lights …

How do you prepare before a photoshoot?
The week before the photoshoot is crazy. I get a haircut, I go to the gym, I do a lot of cardio, I work out hard and I eat healthy.

What’s the best advice you were given about modelling, if any?
Just be yourself and trust yourself.

You have a stunning physique. How do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you do any sport?
I’ve been working out for 6 months only.  I was not sporty. I used to be really skinny and I didn’t like my body.  I used to have a lot of hang-ups. It may be stupid ...
Now I can't skip the gym. I work out every day and eat healthy.

What are your top three favourite exercises and why?
I do a lot of push-ups because it’s really good for chests, back, shoulders and arms.
I do exercises for my back too, it’s really important! And a lot of abs exercises!

What’s the best form of cardio for you?
It’s definitely running!

How do you keep motivated?
I keep motivated because I know how my body used to be and I don’t want that anymore. I see my body’s changing that’s why I keep motivated.

How do you fit training and fitness into your life? Is it a difficult thing to achieve?
Although I work or go to school, I find time to work out because now it’s really important for me. So it’s easy to achieve. I mean, when you like something you find time and you don’t see it like a difficulty

What do you do in your free time?
As I said before, I'm an artist. I play the piano, I sing and I dance hip hop. Then I love travelling.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you?
Everything I see in magazines, on the net or on the tv inspires me …

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?
I try … I’m not really into hook ups. I keep dreaming about a big love story so if I meet someone I will do my best to be a good date. To be honest, people are always surprised about me. They think I’m self confident, that I’m gonna have an attitude … but I’m not. I’m shy and really passionate about music, politics, art … and they like it!

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?
I’m a boxer man. It’s more confortable.

What do you listen to on your iPod?
You are gonna be surprised but I am always listening to religious music, Christmas songs, choirs … I love that. But I have pop music, RnB too.

Your favourite song/piece of music to play while running?
Right now it’s Dance Again by J.LO

What kind of movies do you like?
I love scary movies. I love being scared!

What three words describe you best?
Ambitious. Passionate. Dreamer.

One last question Bruno, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I will run the world! I’m kidding but I really want to be involved in French politics and get some responsibilities.

Bruno, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being a good sport. Et tous nos voeux de réussite pour le futur!
My pleasure. Thanks you!

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