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Friday, January 27, 2012

Mo's Bows: A young Mogul in the making

Meet Mo (Moziah Bridges), a 10 year old mogual in the making. His grandmother, Helen Galloway, showed him how to make bow ties from scrap material using hand sewing and a machine. He began to make them for himself, but when they drew compliments and recognition, he sensed a market that is "Mo's Bows".

Moziah Bridges at Harlem's Fashion Row, A Fashion Art Exhibition: Memphis, TN 

I had the pleasure of meeting 10 year old, Moziah Bridges last month as acting Fashion Director for New York’s Harlem Fashion Row for a Fashion Art Exhibition in Memphis, TN. Little did I know that this kid would inspire me. I featured his bow ties for the hosts of the event to wear as they greeted and mingled with guests throughout the venue.

At this tender age Moziah is a business entrepreneur of “Mo’s Bows”, a bow tie company. He attends Rozelle Elementary Creative and Performing Arts School(my old elementary) so I know he is getting the guidance he needs to be destined for greatness. Impressed by his tenacity, I couldn't let the opportunity pass by to interview him for the blog.  

Moziah, when did you start making bow ties?
In June of 2011, so just a couple of months.
What inspired you to start making bow ties at such a young age?
I just really like to dress up and I wanted to make original ties so I could wear them. 

Did you ever think that you were going to start making bow ties for other people? Or did you just only intend to make them initially for yourself?

I kind of  knew I was eventually going to start making them for other people because they turned out really good.

So basically you wanted to help other men learn how to dress as well? Funny, because that’s the mission of The X Stylez Blog.
Yes (laughs), kind of like being a role model. They come in all ages.
That is true, so when you go pick out your fabrics what kind of things do you look for?
I look for the things in my life that I’ve never seen before on a bowtie. Very interesting patterns and things I like.

So describe the types of variety of bow ties you offer your customers when it comes to sizing?
I have bow ties that snap in the back to give people different sizes in the neck and some that are not adjustable.
I’m going to put a link on the blog for viewers to link with your website, what types of things can you tell them to expect?---->
I expect them to see my ties and really like them!
What are some of the names you’ve come up with to brand your bow ties?
Um, let’s see here, I have Buster Brown, Cha-Cha-Cha-Cheetah, Picnic In The Park, Pumpkin Plaid, Fancy Nancy, Dinner With Mom, Teacher’s Pet and some other names I can’t think of right now.
Due to your recent popularity and getting worldwide press, how has it been doing everyday things like going to school or grocery shopping?
People are like—WOW, I can’t believe you are ten! and HEY, that’s the Mo’s Bows kid! 

Say 3 years from now when you turn 13, where do you see Mo’s Bows when you become a teenager? What’s your plan?

I see my mom retiring (mom looks stunned and smiles) and me being successful! Also I’m going to add bracelets and pocket squares to my collection. It’s coming real soon! 

Outside of making bow ties, do you have any other aspirations once graduating college? I know you talked about wanting to be Greek and let me just say I really like the direction you are wanting to go with your fraternity interest (I feel like a proud father, ha).
I wouldn’t mind being a professor or a music producer or director. I really like music videos.
Do you have any advice you want to give to the men of the X-Stylez Blog to help them advance their swagger?
Get your own business because, it’s just great! Be yourself and like I always say, “I want to look good and I want to feel good”, so the same for you, if you want to look good and feel good, do that! So get Mo’s Bows and pick the one(s) that fit your personality the best.

Lastly, do you have any advice to give other children who aspire to do other things just to encourage them?

Figure out what you like doing and figure out how you can make money doing it! Also, you want to make money while sleeping right? So figure out how you can do that and make your money work for you! “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”, and that’s a quote by Fredrick Douglass. 

Mobile Upload: Me adjusting Moziah for the Blog's photoshoot. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it". 
There’s nothing like a kid who knows his fashion! Moziah has a great upbringing and is an inspiration to many who meet and read his story.  He is wise beyond his years. This past December Moziah had his first trunk show where he was able to meet his existing clientele and gain potential customers. There he showcased his massive collection of original bow ties and took custom orders. To date he has also been interviewed by WREG Live at 9 Channel 3 News, Fox 13 News, ABC News, The Memphis Flyer, The Memphis Business Journal, The Commercial Appeal, and Atlanta’s Fox News segment which has already run in Atlanta and Detroit and is set to run in Memphis this February.  Outside of press interviews Moziah has also been doing a lot of public and motivational speaking. Last year he was the keynote speaker for the graduating class of Economic Empowerment at the New Olivet Baptist Church in Memphis , TN and he has quite a few speaking engagements scheduled for this year including speaking to a youth minor league team of his peers.
Please support this young man! He is on the verge of greatness. You can visit his online Mo’s Bow’s etsy shop and also view his facebook page for updates.  

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