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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Kevin M Lisak

Sweet and stunning American Kevin Lisak is currently living in Myrtle Beach.

He goes to college for architecture in NY where he is from, but he is very interested in making his way in the fitness world and pursuing a career in modelling. Kevin is also a Certified Personal Trainer, Bodybuilder and Athlete.

Kevin grew up in a small town where everyone knew one another and football was his favourite thing to do. He was very dedicated to it and played his whole young life. After his senior year, Kevin received a back injury, which restricted his football playing in college. He focussed on the only thing left for him: the gym.

Kevin loves lifting weights and it’s really all he does besides working at Abercrombie & Fitch.

His goals in fitness are becoming a successful fitness model, win a few bodybuilding competitions, receive great sponsorship and travel the world for fitness shoots.

His photo shoots with Michael Anthony Downs show his amazing potential as a fitness model. His great physique combined with great looks will no doubt 
help him achieve his goals.

Kevin’s words to live by: "My goal when I come in here every day is to make sure that if someone beats me – it’s not because they outworked me!" - Layne Norton.

All photographic copyrights to Michael Anthony Downs

Vital statistics:
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 170lbs
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: brown

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