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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Juan Pablo Raba covers Revista Soho

The Colombian actor Juan Pablo Raba goes all "Spartacus" on us for a set of revealing fotos for Revista Soho. The photographer was the equally-hunky Diego Cadavid. Born in Bogota on January 14, 1977 and raised in Spain by his Argentinian father after his parents' divorce, Juan Pablo Raba has starred in such telenovelas as "Mi gorda bella", " El Cartel de los sapos", " El Clon", and, most recently, "La Reina del Sur".

Bonus: Once again, there are images in this foto set that are too risque for me to post here on the main blog, so keep checking our tumblelog, Cisoto Quickies, as I post a Juan Pablo Raba picspam all night long.

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