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Sunday, August 2, 2009

David Ortega

The television program Hoy recently conducted a search for el doble de William Levy in the form of a competition in which several men displayed their best assets in order to convince the judges that they were near twins to the überhunk Mr. Levy. El gran triunfador -- the big winner -- was David Ortega Hurtado, a 21-year-old model and student from La Noria, Autlán de Navarro (located in the state of Jalisco in Mexico). His birthday is March 24, 1988. I can see a resemblance, especially in the face:

Below is David with some of the other dobles de William Levy, presumably the runners-up. I'll be posting more fotos of David, as well as some of the other contestants, tomorrow; in the meantime, you can see more of David Ortega in this foto album.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: David Ortega

David Ortega on Cisoto Fotos:
David Ortega
Los Dobles de William Levy
David Ortega Hurtado Unbuttoned
David Ortega Hurtado Shy
David Ortega Hurtado in "Me quiero enamorar"
David Ortega Wet
David Ortega, Still Shy

Sources/for more:
Buscando al doble de William Levy -- you can follow the entire competition via this YouTube playlist
Esmas Fotogalerías - David Ortega, último finalista para el doble de Levy
Esmas Fotogalerías - David Ortega ¡es el doble de William Levy!

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