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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paparazzo: Leo Jancu BBB9

The latest hunk to be kicked out of the Big Brother Brasil house, and thus the latest to be featured on Paparazzo: Leonardo Jancu, a 25-year-old, currently-unemployed administrador de empresas (business administrator) from São Paulo. Leoga (as he's been called since childhood) is Jewish and has spent some time in Israel. He has two tattoos -- the first, on his right arm, honors his father, Dan, who died of cancer two years ago, and the second features the Jewish symbol for life.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Leo Jancu

Download all the fotos via Rapidshare (6.56 MB)

BBB Profile profile

Cisoto Video: Leo Jancu BBB9
Paparazzo: Emanuel and Leo BBB9 Extras
The Compleat Paparazzo

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